Tuesday, February 2, 2010

In theatres this week (Feb. 1st - 5th)

Let's see, what's opening this week that is worth seeing....Nothing. There are no movies opening this week that I would suggest to anyone over the age of 13. That being said if you are 13 or under feel free to go see "Dear John". This movie is clearly catered to pre-teen girls who love Channing Tatum, and not for his acting abilities. "Dear John" tells the story of someone cleverly named John who comes home from war for awhile for spring break or some nonsense like that. During his return he meets a girl and falls in love with her. Too bad his time is limited and he has to return to Iraq. They write each other letters and long for each other.....yawn, yawn, yawn. There is literally nothing good about this movie.

The other movie opening this week is John Travolta's "From Paris With Love". A movie about an aide to the U.S. Ambassador in France , James Reese, who gets paired up by the CIA with John Travolta's character Charlie Wax to stop a terrorist threat. Of course Charlie Wax is a loose cannon who follows nobody's rules but his own and makes everyone especially Reese. All is good until the terrorists turn their attention to Reese and make him a target. Who can save and protect Reese you ask? TRAVOOOOOOLLLLLTAAAA! With his unorthodox style and antics he saves the day! Garbage.....the only thing this movie has going for it is Travolta's appeal to movie goers. Despite terrible movie after terrible movie they still support him (Even after Old Dogs). So if you are a John Travolta fan go ahead and see "From Paris With Love" , if not then don't waste your money or time.

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